The Bible has a lot to say about spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare requires great wisdom, deep passion
for biblical truth, and understanding the power of fasting and praying.

Today, join with Dr. Loggins as he challenges all Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to come into
agreement to spend time in the presence of God as OverComer in 40 Days of Fasting and Praying in
addressing Spiritual Warfare with both the Power of the Word and the Power of Fasting and Praying.

Now, sit back as he opens up the Scriptures to Romans 12:21, as he brings a powerful and life-changing
message entitled, “OverComers”. Despite what you are dealing with we have already overcome.
The time has come to place your family, finances, fears, faults, faith, and future on the altar as you
declare to everyone around you that you are an over comer.

After listening to his message, prayerfully consider joining churches, missions, ministries, and like-minded
Followers of Jesus, and Christians leaders, Dr. Loggins, and countless others across our Nation and far
beyond, as we seek to humbly enter into doing hand-to-hand-combat with the Evil One who seeks to
take us out through division, deception, and discouragement. However, as we engage in 40 Days of
Fasting and Praying, “We shall overcome some day (Words of an old Negro Spiritual).”

Along with your Bible, here are Spiritual Stronghold Clot Busters Dr. Loggins is recommending for you
and others who are seeking the face of God for a Spiritual Break Through in our Nation.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. – Romans 12:21


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