The Bible has a lot to say about spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare requires great wisdom, deep passionfor biblical truth, and understanding the power of fasting and praying. Today, join with Dr. Loggins as he challenges all Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to come intoagreement to […]
“I have revealed Your name to the menYou gave Me from the world.They were Yours, You gave them to Me,and they have kept Your word”– John 17:6 (HCSB) You cannot produce what you are not. Charlatans are capable of imitating originals, but they are never capable […]
The 7 Principles for Successfully Hearing God’s Voice “It’s Prayer Time!”  Thank you Dr. Loggins.  I have been touched by his ministry for only a few years.  Yet, I have come to realize that he is indeed a man of prayer and evangelistic fervor.  He does […]

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About Robert Loggins, Sr.

Equipping People to Equip People

Dr. Robert F. Loggins was born and raised in Mississippi where he came to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1983 he surrendered to the ministry and began his educational journey. He is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College & Seminary. He completed additional studies at Covenant Theological Seminary, Midwestern Theological Seminary, and was an MBT Oxford University Scholar in 2010. He and his wife, Cassandra, are the parents of two grown sons and have four grandchildren. They have served the Lord together for over 40 years through ministry to churches, organizations, and communities. Dr. Loggins is also the founder and CEO of RF Loggins Ministries and is currently serving as a Consultant to Ministries, Missions, Denominations, State Conventions, and Providing Leadership Coaching, Equipping Workshops in the areas of Prayer-Discipleship, Personal Evangelism Training for Congregations, Revival Preaching, Denominations, State Conventions and Prayer-Solemn Assemblies Encounters. He is sold out to the Great Commission, the Greatest Commandment, and to the Power of Prayer.

Resources to Help You Equip

Our mission is equipping the whole church with the whole gospel  to reach the whole world through preaching, teaching, equipping, coaching, training and consulting.


Dr. Loggins’ many books are available to assist and encourage you as you follow Jesus. His latest release is Spirit-Led Discipleship: Releasing Passion for Purpose.


Dr. Loggins’ bi-weekly devotional is entitled “Monday’s Manna.” We would love to send these to you via email. See below to contact us.


Dr. Loggins’ heart beats to the Great Commission. His resources are designed to equip you to become an equipper of others as we obey Jesus’ command together.


Dr. Loggins frequently preaches or speaks at revivals, conferences, and workshops. In addition to discipleship, he powerfully addresses topics such as racial reconciliation, cultural division, marital harmony, soul winning, and spiritual warfare. Contact us for details.

Dr Robert Loggins - Speaker Request Form

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